Sunday, June 28, 2009

I am the Champion!!

Prior to the Music Express we had teamed up for rides as z and A and K and me.  For the Music Express, since it's a kid favorite anyway, we decided to team up with kids in one car and z and me in another. 

With z and I in our own car, the competition was on!  Before the ride even started he put his whole body diagonal taking up as much space to squish me as possible.  I was on the inside and had the forces of nature working on my side.  When the ride started I let z push me nearly the whole time but then toward the end I thought, why am I letting him push me, I have the ride on my side!  So that was it.  I started pushing back, and ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know that at the end of the ride I won hands down!  z was squished on his little side and out of breath and worn out! 

Hurray!  I defeated z and saved the world!!!!

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