Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life in the fast lane

Today we celebrated an early Father's Day for z.  The girls were home alone while we were at work today.  They cleaned the house for Dad and wrote him notes.  They put up a sign on the door that we're having a party for him.  It was really cute.  A. bought him some hand sanitizer and a chocolate and had a card for him, K. was so pleased about spelling his name right (oops, she accidentally spelled it wrong anyway).  It was fun. 

Nights go by fast here.  We don't get home until kind of late so usually I'm home about 6pm and z gets here around 7pm.  I pick up the baby from day care and then get dinner going.  We eat and after that it's nearly bed time.  That's our routine lately.  It's tough to get everything else we have going on in there with working so late, even though it's really not working late since I get off work at 5pm and z at 6pm.

We've been doing our yard stuff but it's been slow the last few days since we've been so  busy.  Oh, and because it's been so rainy!  Washington relatives, we now know how you feel and I don't like it.  Don't get me wrong, I love the rain, just not every day.

The kids have been out of school for a few weeks and loving it.  The baby keeps on getting bigger everyday.  She's a persistent cute heart that can get into almost anything she wants to.  She's learned how to speed crawl and she can stand for a few seconds.  She can walk holding only one hand now too.  She looks more like her dad than she does like me.  She's such a doll! 

We're taking the kids to Lagoon next week!  I can't believe I almost forgot about that!  Auntie Liz is going to babysit the little one while we're off for the day.  I love going there and so do the kids, even if z hates it. 

Thanks to Auntie Jess e-mailing us about Davis High's play, I'm taking the girls to see it on the Thursday before July 4th.  I wish I could take them on the 4th to go with everyone else but they'll be with their dad that weekend.  We love plays so all of us are excited to go!  I booked us some tickets online and we have front and center seating. 

I love July!  I love parades and fireworks and bagpipers!  All are so much fun! 

I can't wait for grass and family picnics!  I can't wait to have a few friends over too!


Amy said...

Like me? I want to come over! Pick me...Pick me!!!

ScratZ said...

You are welcome here any time!!! =)

M.O.M. said...

It is funny you mentioned the rain. We haven't had any for several days but today, the last day of school, it is supposed to rain all day. Yea for living in Washington!