Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's raining, it's pouring

I woke up this morning to sounds of rain hitting the house, oh and also sounds of a baby crying. I looked out the window and what did I see? The neighbors pond was looking at me! Early this morning it was starting to fill, by 9am it was really full and by 10ish they had this pump in there to pump the water out.

Rude to laugh I know, but these are the neighbors that made us have to work in the rain last week since they were hell bent on having their land excavated yesterday.

What you see below is the result of putting a house not made for the lot on the lot anyway with a plan of building a bowl so there is less water that can go into this spot (before the entire lot sloped towards their house, this made it so only part of it does), along with the brilliant idea of running a drain up hill. All I can say is...LOL! Karma.

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