Monday, November 23, 2009


For a long time I had given up on God.  I thought that he hadn't helped me out and if he existed at all it was only to spite me.  Recently Keith and I started going to church together along with going to class and praying.  We started this right around the time that I lost my job.  When I lost my job I had done everything possible in order to keep my job.  Everything was lined up perfectly so there was no way that I would be fired.  The night before I prayed and put it all in God's hands.  I knew without a doubt that if I got fired anyway it was because I had a reason to be home.  Since being home I have found that to be true.  I've spent so much time with my kids that I've never had with them before.  I was here when my baby first walked.  I was here when she first talked.  To me that's a miracle. 

With the good, there is always bad.  We've had quite the financial struggle recently.  We've been extremely worried about Christmas and what to spend on the kids.  We had already decided that we don't need anything ourselves and that we aren't going to do any family gift exchanges.  Even still we've been praying to get through this. 

Two weeks ago we went to our class and accidentally got signed up as the co-chair people for the group Sub for Santa.  We had one other person helping us with this but we were quite scared when we were assigned this.  It really didn't help when the announcements barely explained what the group was trying to accomplish and also in the announcement everyone was told to see this other helper and not us so she got more of her list done so we just knew we were going to have to buy what was left on our list.  That night we left class with heavy hearts thinking that our girls would have a DI Christmas while we were paying for these other poor kids to have a better Christmas than our own kids would be getting. 

Last week when we got to class we were still quite discouraged because there wasn't anymore class time to gather what was left of the gifts.  I had planned on arranging with people to meet them to gather anything they signed up to buy if I could.  Sadly, no one signed up for anything.  I had talked to the Deacon at the beginning of class and asked him to make another announcement but when break time came no one else signed up.  Keith and I had already prayed asking that we make it through this season and left everything in God's hands so if need be we would pay for all of the gifts ourselves and trust in God to find a way to make it the rest of the way.  As it turned out we were given enough money in class to buy everything we needed and plenty to donate to Sub for Santa so any of the other kids that weren't already bought for can get presents as well.  This was the first miracle.  I cried when the money was placed in my hand. 

Today the other two miracles happened.  First, Keith got a new job working for the same company so he'll still be able to finish his degree that he started working on.  That's only half of the good news.  He'll be working twice as far away in distance but the hours are much better so he'll be able to sleep in an hour and still get home from work at least two hours earlier than he currently does.  He'll work "normal hours" for the first time in his life and he'll be making the same pay as he was before when he was doing all the overtime only now he won't be working all the overtime.  We're really excited!  He's been wanting a change since I've known him.  This is also a great career move because he no longer has the fear of losing his job when the START treaty is over and he's working in a field that coincides with his degree.  He could actually get great promotions with this job!  The second miracle today is that I found out that I can make my ex pay child support without taking him to court by simply applying for the Office of Recovery Services.  They will garnish his wages and that's the end of that story.  I'm sure that he wont be happy to find that this is what we're doing now, but then I wasn't really happy when I found that he could just quit paying for months.

So, life is coming together at last.  We are still relatively poor, but at least we can see the light at the end now.  We've had faith and put trust in God and found that God is watching over us and taking care of us.  It feels good to have God and family together in life.  We're very blessed.

1 comment:

Anonnymouse said...

that is soo guys are the awesome family!