Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting ready for T-Day and more

The big feast is almost here!  Today I have brownies to make, a house to clean, missionaries to great, a drive out to Keith's new work, and a celebration dinner.  Man, I'm tired just thinking about it all!  On the plus side the house wont take too long and neither will the brownies.  We have new missionaries who don't suck as bad as the last ones did.  Kind of strange how we have Mormon missionaries and Catholic classes.  We learned about the 10 commandments from each group last week.  The Mormons have hand signals to help them remember the order of the commandments and the Catholics have a much broader view of how far each rule stretches.  I always thought from watching TV that once you become a Catholic you can just quit going to church except for on Christmas and Easter.  It turns out that they are really stringent about going to church and living a life filled with good works and good thoughts for others. 

Would you look at that!  I jumped topics completely in my effort to sit and relax a little longer before it's time to get down to business.

As I'm sitting here I'm trying to think of other things to write about.  There aren't a lot of exciting things these days.  Little spats with neighbors, applying for crappy jobs that I'll never get an interview for anyway because there are no new jobs right now, kids, housework, and that's it.  My life in a nutshell. 

I think I'll upload my old blog on here now.  I wish I had my really old blog...the one I accidentally deleted! 

1 comment:

Anonnymouse said...

Hand signals for the 10 commandments?