Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The worth of a woman...

OK, no offense to anyone who is lucky enough to be a stay at home mom but what really irritates me is when people talk about how stay at home moms are worth so much more than those who work.  In fact they're worth 127k!  I don't know where this figure comes from because daycare isn't that much and I have to do everything that the stay at home mom has to do (minus what's done in daycare) plus work a job.  To me, this is something that was thought up because some women are lucky enough to marry a man who tells his wife he wants her to stay at home and raise the kids but then gives her a hard time about spending any money since he brings home all of it.  Which in that case I guess I sort of understand, but to me it's so offensive that they say it's so hard to stay home.  It's made out to be a statement that we women who work do so because we don't have what it takes to stay home and run a household.  I'm home right now with the youngest two (middle child finally got sick) and I've had a two hour nap!  I feel great!  I wish my job would let me sleep in till 7am and then have a nap!  In a couple hours I'll have all the wifely duties done and then I plan on sitting on my butt watching TV.  Actually, I'll be watching TV while I do my wifely duties.  Can't do that at work and usually I'd just have to do the same stuff after work so it's like I'm on vacation!  I'm not trying to discount stay at home moms....but I sure wish they had more to do so they wouldn't sit home discounting what I do!  And yes, I'm talking to you Dr. Laura!!  ;)


Appliance Pros !!! said...

Quite frankly, I don't know how women go off to work, and still manage to run a household. Cuddo's to you! The biggest problem that I had (when my kiddos were younger) was keeping on top of everything. It was super hard to keep a clean house, when we were in it ALL day long! :)

Amy said...

LOL...Appliance Pros is me. I guess I was logged on under my hubby's business account. Too funny!