Monday, February 9, 2009

Here's a post for ya

...since I've noticed how bad I've slacked off on this blogging business.

We're down to just over a week before z and I get married and run away to Mexico to enjoy the beach and sun. I can't remember if I said this already but the place that we're going is the same place that we went to a couple years ago. I didn't realize it then because they were cleaning the pools, but this place has dolphins that you can watch and pet. Isn't that cool! I can't wait to be there enjoying the time of being alone with only Keith and the tropical beauty of the ocean.

We were going to try to go tanning a couple times before going but we'll see if we make it that far.

I'm worried about leaving Baby K. I know she'll be in good hands but I'm still gonna miss her!!


Amy said...

didn't know you were getting married!!! congrats!!

Anonnymouse said...

Kissing dolphins really dosent sound like much fun.....btw, what are ya gonna bring me?